About Us


DaciKey is a fashion brand of Quality, Durable, Stylish and Affordable seasonal wear specifically targeting black communities; positively giving them a platform to express themselves. Through them, uniting cultures with love in spite of our culture differences.

What Motivates us

Black people and black history are what motivates us. Black people of all shades go through a lot in their daily lives trying to prove to others that they too are talented, smart, loving, decent etc.; trying to send the message that we WANT to be treated equally. The issue is the misconception and how black people are defined and portrayed in the society, going further away from the truth than necessary. DaciKey brand is a platform to positively correct our mindsets and those of others, celebrating ourselves through love and fashion. We like to say how we feel and love to do so loudly to the world without uttering a word. So Let’s celebrate and share our individuality!!

African Proverbs to keep in mind

“One falsehood spoils a thousand truths”
“If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for something”
“It is the calm and silent water that drown a man”
“A bad name is like a stigma”
“Milk and Honey have different colours, but they share the same house peacefully”
“A fight between grasshoppers is a joy to the crow”

The Origin of our brand DaciKey

We borrowed the idea of the original meaning “Underneath”, that we created our brand because most often we are surrounded by goodness, kindness and love in our home countries; we fail to appreciate it thinking its normal and everyone is capable of showing love. But as soon as we leave home and living abroad surrounded by certain types of people, different cultures and traditions, we are forced to open our mind and realize the reality. Not only the truth and reality about the outside world, but also about ourselves, our origins, our roots, our identity, our culture, and most importantly, how we as black people show love.

As people who leave their homes, we go through hard times. We get scammed, cheated, discriminated against or even lied to. We have felt the sadness , loneliness and sometimes anger towards those who have wronged us. The bad experiences would quite easily makes us bitter, but the strength of our moral values anchored with us, keeps us standing in love and beating the odds. It is with this strong and deeply rooted LOVE that we want to inspire others, especially the black community young adults who have left home, experienced the negativity but still got love in their hearts to relate to others. We represent positivity uniting all people to keep their root values, black pride, as illustrative of the beauty of blackness. So together we inspire change among different people through this attitude of choosing love instead of hate. Uniting cultures through Love and Fashion.

Meaning of our brand name “DaciKey”

We’ve also borrowed the pronunciation of the original name “Dan ciki” meaning underneath or “Shirt” in Hausa. The “Dan ciki” print was initially meant to make shirts at the time, but after a while it was used to make different kind of clothing.