Our Inspiration

What inspires us?

We continue to be inspired by the migrant youths all over the world, especially young black adults. The youth that has a revolving mind for change in the world in ways that are positive and full of love, at the same time connecting communities and breaking stereotypes that surround us and has existed for generations.

Basically DaciKey has chosen the young black generation because of how they continue to love despite every challenge they face while trying to fit in other societies away from their homes. The younger generation of today is definitely the future for tomorrow.


Character and Attitude shape us as people, whether being neighbours and citizens, therefore affecting the way we live in our societies. Character is a more genuine holistic language we daily communicate to others. We constantly affect one another, beyond our homes and schools, our young generation’s character will also affect all of us in the workplace and in our communities as they grow to be our employees, neighbours, and leaders. When young people have not been taught the principles of character that can anchor them, and if they don’t feel strong ties to love, family, or community that nurtures them, then they may feel adrift and hopeless. They may not be attuned to the consequences of their actions, or to the needs of others. Delinquency, gangs, scams and violence are sadly visible in our culture and are a reminder that we have an awesome responsibility to exhibit strong character ourselves as we influence the next generation even through fashion.

Importance of Character building and why DaciKey Brand takes it seriously The word “character” derives from the Greek kharassō (χαράσσω), meaning “I engrave”. Basically character is something that is “etched into” us by the experiences that we have as we go through life. Character building experiences take us out of our comfort zones and force us to 'dig deep' to find new resources within ourselves. The experience that we have when we are young and leave home are particularly influential for they shape the adults that we become wherever we are.

Why Fashion?

Top fashion does so much more than focus on attaining top reviews and selling to the masses. They seek to develop the whole person’s taste in a way that individuals can express themselves freely. Indeed, some of the most important parts of a good revolution and inspiration, take place outside, on the streets, and on the social media platform - for these are the parts that provide the most character-building opportunities. It is for this reason that DaciKey is committed to deliver quality and fashionable wear that aims to give young people a range of experiences which will both stretch and challenge them while building character with love. Character of love is the real thing – It’s the essence of DaciKey as a brand.

Target (Influential young adults in our society) to promote DaciKey In every group of young adults in the community there will always be those who will lead the others and are more influenced with their actions. This can now be observed on social media platforms more so than ever. However, we must also recognize that for others, these arenas provide challenges which take them out of their personal comfort zones: some young people find that performing or speaking in public doesn't come naturally; others dislike physical challenge in any of its forms.

This is genuine character-building territory. We believe that every person should have the opportunity to experience the love that comes from fashion.

Above all, through the statements, everyone should be taken out of their comfort zone – to have to do something that they would rather not do, but something of which they would be very proud to have achieved. For example, have a conversation that is uncomfortable, ask a risky question and even befriend another despite the stereotypes.Statement Fashion on t.shirts in all of its forms have an enormous part to play in building character. Young people learn more about themselves and about their peers when they are exposed to challenging situations.

Spreading love and uniting people through black people is arguably the most important thing that we do.